Summat 2019

On the 9th of March at Notre Dame College in Leeds, we held a community festival of resistance that brought together 350 people & change-makers from around Leeds & Yorkshire.

Some of the highlights included:
* Closing plenary with Guardian journalist Maya Goodfellow, and LGBTQI+ rights campaigner Nim Ralph, Black Lives Matter activist Josh Virasami & anti-poverty campaigner Julie Longden.

* Thought-provoking panel discussions on Leeds Radical History, Decolonize Now, Creative Resistance, and International Women’s Day.

* 21 creative & hands-on workshops

* Over 30 stalls in the Leeds for Change Marketplace

* Three Acres & a Cow – International Womens Day Special: a sing-along musical history of land rights and protest

* Footprint Workers Co-op Zine Fair

* Art exhibition of dissident local artists

* Wonderdome Kids Creche (age +4) run by Playful Leeds

* Evening Bistro with performances hosted by The Sunday Practice, 3 course meal cooked by Rainbow Junk-tion Community Cafe.

The event was supported by ourĀ generous funders Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust, The Lipman-Miliband Trust, The Economic Justice Project, Leeds Social and Environmental Justice Action Network (SEnJA Net), Cornerstone Housing Co-operative, and Gifting Leeds.